Task System



A common user type at Spiceworks is what we lovingly call the “accidental IT Pro”. They might have been the most tech savvy person in the office, then one day they fix a device a co-worker was having an issue with. The next day it happens again, and all of a sudden they are the person to go to for all technical issues. Shazzam! Now they’re an IT pro! These guys and gals typically work at SMBs that may not have had an IT department before that happened, but now they do because of this person’s ability to take on tech issues. Due to the lack of formal training, they often need help knowing what are some things they should be doing and thinking about on a daily basis and Spiceworks lacked a tool for this.



Create a system that suggests tasks based on the devices they have added to their Spiceworks Inventory App. Using surveys from more experienced IT Pros we were able to come up with some categories that a well rounded IT Pro can focus on to make sure their network is healthy and running smoothly. Too many tasks can make the things to work on seem arduous, so we wanted to show a daily task they could do based on areas they needed to improve from their category breakdown. We wanted to encourage them to keep at it each day by showing tasks completed over time and using motivational verbiage like “keep your streak alive”.


  • User Interviews
  • User Studies (in person or screen share apps)
  • Digital prototype review with users
  • UI/UX design